Thursday, December 27, 2007

December 26th - Happy Shoe Day!

Ok, so really, in Canada, December 26th is Boxing Day. It is the day to "box" up all of your holiday decorations, return gifts, clean up in general, etc. But the Huckvale family tradition is "Shoe Day". When Derrick and I were first dating, I went on such a shoe day. We all went to the mall, on seriously the busiest day of the year. His dad sat in the middle of the mall and told us to go and find the shoes that we wanted. Then, we came and found him and he would buy us said shoes. Everyone, including himself, came home with a new pair of shoes. Very cool. Now this went on for a few years, until he realized that there were just too many of us (there are now 50 just between his kids, their spouses and the grandchildren) to buy shoes for, but told us to keep the tradition going for ourselves. So, we do. Yesterday, we headed to Fred Meyer, and got shoes. All but Luke and Macy got some, because they didn't need any. Happy Shoe Day, everyone!

Check out my Slide Show!

December 25th - MERRY CHRISTMAS for real!

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope that you all had a super day, with friends and family, and that you all remembered the true meaning of Christmas. On Christmas Eve, before we put the kids to bed, we all climbed in our bed, read Luke 2 in the scriptures, discussed the true meaning of Christmas a bit with the kids, and just enjoyed some quiet moments as a family.

Then the craziness and insanity started! Derrick and I went to bed around 1:30 and by 5:00 am, there was a party going on downstairs. Chad, Luke and Macy were running laps around the house, and running up and down the stairs. I "nicely" told them to go back to sleep, that it was very early, and then tried myself to go back to bed. Apparently, they claim to have been up since about 1 - not sure how, when all but Chad were sleeping on our floor when we came to bed - but whatever. Anyways, D and I finally got out of bed at about 7, woke up Haley and Reed, and then the real party began!

We opened presents, played with presents, finally convinced some to take naps, and got a conference call with all the Huckvales at 2:00. Had to take mom to the airport, and on the way, it was snowing! Very cool! Not enough to stick to the ground, but still enough to call it a White Christmas!!!

We hope that you all had a great day as well... and have all caught up on your sleep by now!

December 24th 1/2 - Santa Came!!!

So, after the physical Santa left... this is what he left behind, once the kids were all snuggled in their beds, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.

Monday, December 24, 2007

December 24th - Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!Helping Reed unwrap his new jammies.New jammies for everyone -
David (although he didn't get any!), Reed, Chad, Annie, Haley, Luke, Macy and JennySANTA!!!

"I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!"

We spent Christmas Eve at Bob & Susie's house having a yummy prime rib dinner, followed by the traditional one present on Christmas Eve - new jammies for everyone! And then, when we got home, guess who showed up on our doorstep... Santa Claus himself!!! Pretty impressive! Haley noticed after the fact that him and D have the same watch. They must both shop at Target!!!

Just in general...

Merry Christmas Eve to one and all!!!
We send lots of love and good wishes and hope that you all are having a wonderful Christmas and that among all the food, gifts, people and presents,
you remember the true meaning of Christmas!
We love you!!!

December 23rd - Merry Christmas Eve, Eve!!!

As most of you know by now, I love parties. Any reason to have friends and family over, good food, games, just having a good time. We are going to Aunt Susie's house for Christmas Eve dinner, but I wanted to make a ham, so I invited everyone over for Christmas Eve, Eve dinner. Why not, really? I have Oct-Easter in October, Cinco de October in (duh!) October, working on Spring-o-ween in April, might as well celebrate Christmas Eve, Eve... right?

So, we invited friends and family, scrounged up all the tables, chairs, pillows, whatever we could find, some food, and just had a good time. D got a little stressed because I have a terrible problem of inviting EVERYONE that I talk to over... and then don't have anywhere for them to sit. But really, who cares? They sure didn't.
We started the evening with the annual cookie decorating which is always lots of fun, and then there was food to eat. There was more than enough to go around and it was just nice to be with some of the people that we love, celebrating this time of year. Aunt Susie, Uncle Bob, Jenny, Annie and David came, as well as Susie's mom, Grandma Sessions. We also had the Geigenmiller clan, and Paula Perkins and her two boys (her husband had to work, unfortunately). Then of course, all of us, and Grandma Paula. A good time was had by all!

December 22nd - So Loved!

The other night I was making cookies. D asked me who they were for. I said for us, because no one had brought us cookies in a couple of days. Seriously, this month, we've had cookies or some sort of treats brought to us like twice a week - sometimes even with caroling! Today we went to the movies and came home to a plateful of personalized "stockings". Ok, besides all the yum factor, I just totally feel loved! I love that we have made so many good friends! That we feel so much love in an area we have lived in for only a year! It may be Mayberry, but it's OUR Mayberry!!!

P.S. We saw "National Treasure, Book of Secrets". Really enjoyed it! I just love the National Treasure movies. Those are some that I can watch over and over. Modern-day Indiana Jones! Also took the kids to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks", and it was really cute. Also enjoyed it... which really surprised me!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 21st - Santa's coming tonight, tonight... Santa's coming tonight!

Ok, come on, you all know the tune. It's from Spongebob Squarepants. "Santa's coming tonight, tonight... Santa's coming tonight!" So I know that it's not Christmas Eve or anything, but around here Santa came by. He came down the street in a little sidecar thing, pulled by a tractor, followed by a fire truck with it's sirens on to let you know that Santa was coming. Kind of like that whole reindeer clattering on the rooftop thing. He said hi to all the kids, handed out candy canes and chocolate coins and was just jolly all around. D says that we totally live in Mayberry. I might have to agree with him... but I was just as excited, if not more so, than the kids to see Santa coming down the street!

Not to be outshadowed by Santa, but Grandma Paula came yesterday as well to spend Christmas with us. We are happy that she has come! If only Uncle Billy came too... maybe next year! We love you Uncle Billy!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 20th - Full House!

This is what happens to left over Christmas card pictures and paper in my house.
Ornaments for all the kids when they leave.
Something to remember this year by.

First day of winter break. There are currently 11 kids in my house. Chad and his friend, Daelin. Luke and his friend, Cameron, Daelin's brother. 3 of Macy's friends; Julia, Sierra and Alina. Haley's best friend, Savannah - although Haley threw a temper tantrum and is currently taking a nap - YEAH!!!. Sorry... no friends for Reed. He gets love from all of them.

They have played the Wii, done karaoke, made Christmas crafts, shot movies, drunk Hot Chocolate, and just been normal kids on winter break. This is how I like it. All my kids are entertained, and I am in my scrapbook room, finishing up the last of the Christmas cards, now making some ornaments. Hope you're having a super day too!

December 19th - Hucks Down Under

Chad and his partner, Zach, in front of their Australia poster.
Crocodile Chad

So yesterday was Chad's Australia project, and it went really well. He talked a lot of people into trying his "vegemite"** (it was really "marmite" - the English twin - but it's all we could find!), by telling them it was chocolate, and then they would help con everyone else into trying it. Apparently even Chad tried it and his teacher got a funny picture that she is going to email us. He did his presentation with an "Australian" accent - Chad's really into accents - and dressed like his own Crocodile Hunter. Lots of fun!

** For those of you that don't know, Vegemite is some sort of Australian food product. It is a spread that is used like mayonnaise. It is made from yeast extract and salt, so that gives you an idea of the flavor. I guess that it really is an acquired taste!

December 18th - Arts 'N Crafts

Derrick is quite the artist, if you didn't know. Since before Halloween, he's been packing Chad and Macy's lunches in the morning (Luke insists on hot lunch). Chad gets embarrassed, so he doesn't draw on his lunch bag, but he always draws on Macys. Every morning. And it's always a great surprise to see what dad drew that day. They are always theme-related, black and white or color, and lots of fun. I went to drop Macy's lunch off at school one day because she had forgotten it, and the women in the office were excited to see what her dad had drawn for her that day. In the spirit of the season, here is a picture of one from the other day that was really impressive.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December 17th - only a LITTLE late!

Ok, so I've been a bad blogger lately - sorry - and I've heard about it! My kids are still in school (today is their last day - dumb, I know!) - and it's just been crazy in our household. Between getting gifts done for the teachers and the fact that Chad had a huge project today (I think the teachers are trying to kill us!), it's been a little hectic in our household! Yesterday (really Tuesday), I took Rocky, our male kitty, to the vet, to become "un-male"; went to the mechanic, Target, Fabric Depot (because I NEED to make Reed a new blanket for Christmas), Costco, the bank, and Ikea, all before noon. Why? Just because, probably. Then came home and took a little break before Chad got home and we had to make 50 meat pies to represent Australia, for his country project today (remember I mentioned the teacher trying to kill us?). Went back to the vet to pick up Rocky, came home to make more meat pies. Went out to dinner for a friends' birthday, then finished up teacher's gifts. I told D that I have plans to do nothing today... although I still need to make that blanket. Already been to Chad's school though (had to be there at 7:00 am - it was still VERY DARK here!!!) to see their country presentations and it was pretty cool. Now I'm just sitting on the couch, trying to ignore all the mess around me, hoping to catch my breath a bit. This is what the holidays are about... right? Will post some pics later.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16th - Little Missmatched

Ok, so if you haven't noticed, I love Christmas. Love all there is to it. The decorations, the music, the cards, the food (have I stopped eating at all this month???), the giving. One year when I was in high school I was determined to give all my friends a little something for Christmas. So, I went out and bought a bunch of pairs of socks. I took them all apart and wrapped each individual sock up and gave them to my friends that way. I told them that they had to find the person that had their matching sock so that they could share them. Made total sense to me at the time.

So, the reason I bring this up, I got connected to this website, They sell socks. 3 to a "pair"... that totally don't match (that way, if you lose one, you still have enough to wear and it doesn't matter what they look like!). I ordered some for me and Macy, and I wore some of mine to church today under my boots. They made me so happy just knowing I was wearing them. So, wanted to share my cute socks. My happy for the day!

December 15th - Elfs 'R Us

So today we spent a majority of the day being elves - wrapping presents, wrapping presents, wrapping more presents. And we didn't even do the boys' stuff yet! Their stuff is too conspicuous to put under the tree. They were getting bugged because all the gifts were for Macy, Haley or Family, but just let them wait. Their's will show up eventually.

Also got to the post office to get all the packages in the mail. What a relief! Keep your eyes open for packages Uncle Billy, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Shannon & Donny, and Elder Huckvale. We love and miss all of you!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

December 14th - We've got mail!!!

Almost as much as sending Christmas cards, I LOVE receiving them!!! How much fun is it to get "happy mail"???? I was talking to a friend the other day though and she told me that she wasn't going to send out cards this year. That postage has just gotten too expensive. That made me so sad. Postage too much to send Christmas cards??? What is this world coming too?

(So I was going to post a picture of the Christmas cards that we received yesterday, but I just realized that my address is right in the middle of the picture, and I don't want to put it out there... so, no pic today. Sorry!)

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 13th - Jingle All The Way

The pink one is Haley's cookie.

Yesterday I got to go and be the parent helper in Haley's preschool class. Always a lot of fun... and a lot of work! I tell you, 3-year-olds don't stop moving for the life of them! I took cookies for them to decorate and thought this would be a fairly easy process, except for the life of them they can't spread frosting, and putting on sprinkles, yeah, think the whole container dumped on one poor little cookie. Yeah, they had fun though, and once cleaned up a bit, their cookies turned out really nice.

So then it was time for their little show. They might not be the best cookie decoraters in the world, but boy can three-years-olds sing "Jingle Bells"!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 12th - Caroling

Yesterday was all about Christmas caroling. Christmas caroling with my scouts, that is. We took about 20 Cub Scouts and went to visit two nursing homes. The boys sang 8 songs and handed out candy canes. And although there was grumbling on the boys' behalf, I think they all had a good time. And the people we visited really enjoyed it! They also really enjoyed Reed!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas card update.

Ok, 24 cards went out in the mail on Monday, 7 yesterday and 11 more today. There are still about 20 more waiting for the right paper to come in the mail. So, on that note, if you haven't received your Christmas card yet, and care, let me know, and I will move you to the top of my pile!

December 11th - Illusive CANDYLAND

Ok, so a few weeks ago I had to take Haley to the doctor cuz she broke out with hives and it was the day before Thanksgiving. Luke didn't want her to be nervous, so he told her that I was taking her to CANDYLAND. Ever since then, she's been looking for Candyland and trying to get me to take her there. I think that I finally found it yesterday!
This was Macy's classroom. They were making gingerbread houses, and everyone brought in candy, plus all leftovers were being passed from classroom to classroom to share. Smart move though... all the candy had money denominations attached and the kids had to "buy" their candy with paper money. It was pretty cool, and I really enjoyed working at the candy bank. That's my kind of job!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just random Aunt Susie.

Ok, just wanted to add one more. I was working on Aunt Susie's pages for our family calendar and she came over to help, so I put her to work. Here is proof that Aunt Susie worked on her own calendar pages. I made her stamp "Cougs" (for "Go Cougars" - we couldn't fit the whole thing!) on all of them. See... she can do it!

December 10th - who needs a contractor? WE DO!!!

Gingerbread house night. Went to take Macy to Girl Scouts, which she loves, and when we got there, it was cancelled. She was a bit upset. So, I promised her that we would make our Gingerbread house instead. Super easy... right? Just bought one of those kits from Costco. However, even though we totally followed the rules, and waited the 15 minutes before actually putting candy and stuff on it, we still had issues with the roof caving in as well as the side walls. Oh well. The kids had a lot of fun anyway, and it turned out pretty cute... considering we finally gave up because we used up all of the frosting trying to fix the roof and the walls!!!

December 10th - Caroling, anyone?

Ok, so Monday night we're sitting around working on our Gingerbread house, and the doorbell rings. It's our friends, the Geigenmillers, caroling to us with a plate of cookies. Gotta love that! Apparently, this is their activity for Family Night for the next three weeks (ending on Christmas Eve, Eve). Mom (Liz - one of my cohorts in crime - we "scout" together and do crazy walking activities together) spends all day Monday making cookies, and then they go out Monday night to friends and family to deliver them. Love it! If I didn't get so stressed out by the whole cooking thing, this might become an activity for us. Maybe one Monday? We'll see.

Monday, December 10, 2007

December 9th

Well, I'm a day late... with no pictures!!! Yesterday was a pretty normal day. Reed wasn't feeling well, so him and I came home early from church. Then, for dinner we went over to Bob & Susie's house for Thanksember (or Decgiving), but I got there a bit late so didn't get any cute pictures. Bob & Susie were in Utah for the real Thanksgiving, so she promised us that she would cook for us on another day, and yesterday was it. It was nice. Totally yummy food, and some really good Jell-o! Raspberry, with raspberries, with Cool Whip! Yum-my!!! I brought home extras! Will post a few pics for today (Monday)!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

December 8th - Meeting Santa

So last night we had our ward Christmas party. They did this whole Zarahemla thing. It was cool. Very "Bethlehem-ish". However, no Santa. Reed's first Christmas, and no Santa. So, what did it force us to do? Head to the mall, wait in line for about an hour, and then have our pics taken with Santa. At least Reed wasn't scared.
And he's 8-months-old today! Crazy! It's going so fast! He is crawling all over the place. Slowly... but he's on the move! He's better than the vacuum as well... so we really have to watch out!

December 7th - a trip thru Zarahemla

Ok, three pics for today. D, as Nephi, of course, in the play at our ward Christmas dinner... and the kids' posing in the manger. Notice the baby Jesus. A little big... but cute none the less! Ok, and just a really cute picture of me and Reed!!! Love him!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007


So, just an FYI to my post from earlier today. Just got back from the post office. Had to put additional postage on my cards, because of course I made them too heavy. So they went like .2 over one ounce (or something like that) and I had to put a whole additional $.17 on each of them! Crazy! I always think that I'm saving so much money by making my own cards... but then really, I like to add bells and whistles, so it just totally adds up! So there Haley and I were, on the side of the drive-up mail box thingy adding postage to all of them. So like me!!!

December 6th - YEEHAW - they're in the mail... well, sort of!!!

I'm just SOOOO excited! Some of my Christmas cards are going out in the mail today!!! I know, you're saying what's the big deal? But Christmas cards are VERY important to me. And considering I started them like in the beginning of November, I am VERY behind schedule (which really bugs me!). Totally not my doing, but still. See the stripey paper? Unfortunately, it's from Christmas last year. I've ordered it from like 5 or 6 different places and only got enough to make 39 cards - so those are the ones going out in the mail today. I have 19 (from two different locations - 13 from one, 6 from another) more sheets coming to me soon, so 60 more people will be getting their cards sometime next week. Then, see the green paper? Totally ran out of that. Luckily, was able to make 84 base cards first. So, again, I ordered it from an online retailer about two weeks ago, check my mail everyday, anxiously looking for it, and it refuses to come. So, I finally break down and call the retailer the other day, only to find out that the main company (Bazzill) is totally out of stock, so they are now sending me a slightly different shade of green. Whatever. Next year, I might actually just make the digital photo cards!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

December 5th - Tree Farm

Haley's class...
Today Haley's preschool went on a field trip to a Christmas tree farm. We got to go on a hayride, feed some animals, hear the nativity story, drink cocoa, and pick and cut down a tree for Haley's classroom. It was a lot of fun, and all the little 3-year-olds seemed to have a pretty good time!

December 4th

Sorry... a day late. Better late than never though. Our laptop that has a drive directly in it for the camera memory card is sick, so I had to go and find a portable card reader, and it was all the way down in the basement, so that's my excuse. Anyways, yesterday, as normal, was a busy day. Babysitting my friend's little boy, then being in Macy's class, going to gymnastics with Chad, then an ornament exchange/cookie party last night. Lots of fun! So, here's a pic from the goodies I got last night... after a lot has already been stolen!

Monday, December 03, 2007

December 3rd - Peppermint Fudge and other goodies!

Today has been a busy day! Getting decorations and stuff for the house, decorating, making treats, and just normal life has kept me on my toes. Tomorrow night I am going to an ornament exchange / cookie party. See what I made? Peppermint Fudge. Impressed... aren't you? It's good... but very sweet!

And see all the jars and bowls behind it? One is for M&M's (gotta have those); then one with kisses, candy canes, etc.; then the huge one in the middle is filled with all sorts of kisses. When people come over to visit they get to guess how many candies are in it, and then a couple days after Christmas we will deliver it to the winner. Fun, huh? Idea I stole from someone else's blog. I tell you, there's a LOT of candy in there! (You can make a comment as to how many candies you think are in there too, and if you win, I will send it to you. Hint - the container is 1 gallon in size.)

{Peppermint Fudge} from Becky Higgins

3 tsp. butter, softened
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
4 c. powdered sugar
6 tbsp. baking cocoa
1 tsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 c. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. milk
1/2 tsp. peppermint extract
1/4 c. crushed peppermint candy (about 10-12 candies)

Line the bottom and sides of a square baking dish with foil. Grease foil with butter, set aside. In a small mixing bowl, beat cream cheese. Gradually beat in powdered sugar, cocoa, milk and vanilla. Spread into prepared pan. Chill for an hour until firm.

For peppermint layer, beat cream cheese in a small mixing bowl. Gradually beat in powdered sugar, milk and extract. Stir in peppermint candy. Spread evenly over chocolate layer. Chill for an hour or until firm. Using foil, lift fudge from pan. Gently peel off foil and cut into squares.

Note: A double batch fits well in a 9"x13" pan and makes about 7-8 dozen little squares of fudge.

Bet you never thought you'd see a recipe on my blog, huh? Gotta keep you on your toes! Have a super day!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 2nd

Ok, so our finished Christmas tree. Turned out really pretty. At first only Luke, Macy and Haley were decorating it, so there were only ornaments from about 4 feet down, and on the bottom branches there were tons of ornaments - still are for that matter. I made the comment to put soft and/or not-breakable ones at the bottom in case of the dog, kitties or Reed, so they really took me to heart. D and I stepped in and decorated the top, so at least now there are ornaments everywhere... but I still think if you sat down and counted that the bottom half would definately win for quantity!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Picture a Day, for the month of December

Ok, so unfortunately, this is the best I have for this 1st day of December. There were so many things that I could've taken pictures of, but I forgot (even though the cameras been in my pocket all day!).

I wanted to take a picture of the Christmas tree on top of our car, but by the time I remembered, D already had it off of the car.

This morning our Scouts did the Walk-n-Knock, where they go door to door collecting food for the food bank. Halfway through it started snowing on them, it was only 33 degrees after all, so my Bears convinced me to take them to Starbucks afterwards to get cocoa. I should've taken a picture of all the Mormon scouts in Starbucks (I don't think that any of them had been in one before! - besides Luke, of course!), but again, I forgot.

So, this is what you get. D and I ran out to run some errands this morning, and when we came back we found that the kids had decided to decorate the "kid tree" by themselves. They cut snowflakes, made paper ornaments and just had a grand time. Turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself! Not sure if it's staying in the front hall, but not bad for now!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Isn't it still November?

Macy, Chad, Daelin, Luke & Cameron plotting their "gingerbread" creations Chad and Daelin's crazy fortress. Had a car, a clock tower and everything. Pretty good for just finding random stuff in the kitchen to use, and leftover Halloween candy!
Gingerbread creations and candy calendars. Not sure where all of these things will be living for the month of December. Probably right here... on the kitchen island!

For just another day. Come one. Does Christmas really need to be in like 26 days? I don't think I'm quite there yet. Oh sure, most of the Christmas shopping is done (except for D - where's your list?), the Christmas cards might almost be ready (they're all addressed at least), we're getting a tree tomorrow (after all, it will be DECEMBER tomorrow), but still. I'm on the middle ground, I suppose. I still have the fall decorations waiting to be put away, but I put up wreaths on our lightposts last night. After all, it was snowing the other day. That must mean Christmas is coming. Right? So, in preparation, some of the traditions have begun. The kids used up leftover Halloween candy to make candy calendars the other night (Huckvale tradition - a good one really - make a poster for each kid with 25 pieces of candy on. Their own personal Advent Calendar.). I came home last night to find my brand new box of graham crackers used up to make "gingerbread houses" by the kids and some friends. We've received all our Christmas presents from Grandma Paula already, even one big one that is already wrapped, sitting in our living room all by itself, driving the kids crazy. The fact that it's for me doesn't seem to matter! I guess that Christmas will be coming... whether I am ready or not. Bring it on, I say!