Monday, February 09, 2009

Happy Meet-a-versary!

Derrick is so the right person for me to be married to. He likes to make up holidays, as much as I like to celebrate made up holidays. Yesterday, February 8th, was our 17 year meet-a-versary. This is something that he remembers EVERY year. He's very good about it! I can't even remember what day it is, and he remembers made up holidays. Gotta love it! We went out to dinner on Saturday night and just had a nice time. I'm very thankful for this person who loves me and makes up holidays for me! What a blessing he is to me!

1 comment:

This Mom said...

How very lucky you are. Just to remember why he chose you. I mean I kow you are nuts but he loves you anyway.

Buy the way it takes one to know one.