Ok, so last night was our ward camp-out. It was a lot of fun!... except for the barf-o-rama in the middle of the night. So, Haley and I were just watching this cartoon, and they were at a fair, and there was this ride, the Vomitorium. Jeez.... a throw-up theme (fair warning!).
We got there, and all was well. With the help of my friend, Liz, we got our tent set up and all groovy. (D didn't get there til later.) We ate KFC and played with lots of friends and then there was even campfire activities around 9:30 last night - with smores... a personal favorite! We had our own small campfire though (see the pic above!) - the little camp stove. I know, a little untraditional, but a lot easier to roast your marshmallows at then the giant campfire that EVERYBODY is roasting marshmallows at. We were very happy with our mini "campfire"! Off to bed around 11, and all was well until about 4:30 am when Macy thought it would be fun to throw up all over all included in the tent! Needless to say, Macy, Luke and I escaped in the middle of the night to the comforts of our own beds, while D stayed behind in the "throw-up" tent with Chad, Haley and Reed - who did great! Luckily, camping was only on the other side of our lake, so only about 15 minutes in the middle of the night. Sad for D, he wasn't able to sleep at all past that lovely incident (go figure!), and is now at an Eagle Scout Project, pulling weeds for the next two hours, and then on to Macy's first soccer game... and he's totally exhausted. Macy, on the other hand, is feeling great (of course!)... she slept til 9!
So, needless to say, not too many camping pics, but at least a couple cute ones of Reed sleeping in the tent.
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