Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Ready, Set, BOUNCE!!!

Ok, so who spent the majority of her day building a trampoline yesterday? You guessed it - ME! And, not an easy task I might add! It's hard work! But, I told the kids that if they helped me clean up the house a bit, we would at least try to build it. So, while I was still cleaning, I told Chad to carry all the pieces (the boxes were in the garage) to the backyard so that even if we couldn't figure it out, when Daddy got home it would all be back there, ready to go. By the time I got down there, Chad had all the pieces out and laid out in the correct formation. He was even following the directions - go figure!

Points I learned -

  1. Not a wise idea to use an electric drill while sitting on the trampoline. I was trying to screw together two pieces and the drill accidentally fell out of my hands and onto the trampoline mat while still going, thereby creating a (very small) hole in the trampoline. Hope that it doesn't get bigger!

  2. The mat around the edges goes on before the safety net! Once you put the safety net on, pretty hard to get the mat on over it! Left this job for D, so he ended up taking the safety net down to make it easier. That's why I keep him around!

  3. Kids are VERY impatient to jump on a trampoline - whether it's finished or not!

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