The past few days have been busy. Mother's Day was lovely! Got a date night with D on Saturday night, which is always fun. Breakfast in bed, lots of homemade crafts, love, hugs and kisses on Sunday!!! Laying in bed watching reruns of "America's Next Top Model" all day before church. On Saturday I was surprised to have flowers delivered to me by the Young Women in our ward, sent by Grandma and Grandpa Huckvale in California. What a lovely surprise!!! Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa! Then we all headed to Heidi's house for a nice dinner made by all the men on Sunday night.
This is when it all started to go astray. When we went to leave Heidi's house that night, we noticed that there was a puddle of something under the car. D had put some oil in the car that morning, so we thought (hopefully) that it might just be that leaking. So we drove home and decided to take it in the next morning.
When we got home and were getting the kids ready for bed, D left Reed, naked, on our bed to go and get him a diaper. When I came to bed later, I noticed a "puddle" on our bed. I said something to D about it, and he asked me how the laptop was because apparently when he came back with the diaper, Reed was sitting on top of the laptop, with the whole thing flat and open, just pressing the buttons. (Ok, so someday we will laugh about this... but not yet. Probably at Reed's wedding this will be one of those roasting stories.). Needless to say, Reed peed on our bed.... and got some into the laptop, thereby killing our much beloved laptop. We are now limited to only one computer (I know, most of you only have one computer... but this is a family that totally relies on their computers. We normally have 3 in working order. A desktop, which is currently shut down and under tarps in the basement. D's laptop, which is the best one. And my old one, which works... but is tempermental and tends to freeze a lot while on the internet.). So, posting may not happen too often.
Anyways, back to the car now. Just telling you the three things - you know, bad things happen in threes. So, first, car leaking. Second, computer being peed on. Third... on my way to the mechanic on Monday morning, one of my tires blew out. Completely! Had like a two-inch cut on it. Luckily, I was only about a block from our house and D hadn't left yet. So, I headed home and he changed the tire. Went to WalMart (tires now out-weigh leak), and spent $300 on two new tires, got my oil changed and all that good stuff. They also checked all my fluids and couldn't find a problem with anything, so I'm going to wait and see if my oil light comes back on and things start leaking again.
So, today it's Tuesday. New day. 3 bad things done. Has to be good, right? The plumber called and said he was coming, so that's good. Our project has been on hold for the last week and a half because we're waiting on the plumber. Granted, it's not the same plumber, so they have to re-bid the job and see if they can come in with the same numbers. Keep your fingers crossed!